
Which Cat Litter Box Is Right For You and Your Cat?

There are many different types of cat litter boxes on the market today. The problem can be sometimes it can be difficult to tell which kind of litter box that you need for your cat or kitten. Hopefully this article will help you determine which litter box is right for you and your cat.

The very first thing it is best to learn about cat litter containers are that they're your cats area. Cats like their areas they frequent clear and neat. Because of this usually cats won't sleep on an unmade mattress however when its made and neat they are going to curl up and sleep. Likewise if a cats litter field is messy they my be reluctant to make use of it and even worse not use it in any respect. So ensure no matter model of litter field you select to your pet meets the next two components. Be sure the litter field is massive sufficient to your cat and that they don't regarded cramped up when attempting to make use of it. Your cat ought to have the ability to stroll simply within the field with its hind finish hanging out. The opposite issue to all the time remember is to scrub the field ceaselessly. The litter field must be scooped out each couple of days and must be fully modified with new litter each week and a half to 2 weeks.

Determine which types of litter field is best for you and you cat. In case your cat is a small kitten a small litter pan will do exactly wonderful. Nonetheless in case your cat is massive it's possible you'll want a jumbo litter field. There are additionally automated cleansing litter containers and these are excellent for individuals on the go ceaselessly. Automated litter containers make cleansing easy as the one work you ever must do is dumping the tray and altering the litter every now and then. Different good choices are enclosed cat litter containers. Enclosed cat litter containers incorporates a cowl over the field the offers your cat some privateness it additionally has a filter within the prime to filter out smells and odors. Cats like privateness as a lot as we do and I do know for myself I like to make use of the toilet solo and so does your cat. You may also contemplate shopping for an everyday cat field and additionally shopping for a privateness tent or ornamental fencing so as to add extra privateness to your cats litter field space as this provides to the solitude of your cats rest room expertise. The much less site visitors the world of your home receives the place you place the cats litter field the higher.

Cats are choosy creatures and are choosy with their litter containers. Be sure that your cat will get precisely what she or he wants for its litter field expertise. The worst factor to must cope with is a cat peeing within the nook of the home or within the potted crops. Do not let this unlucky occasion occur to you. I'm certain your life revolves round rather more than scrubbing cat pee from the nook of the room.









寵物專用環境清潔濃縮液 1000ml×1瓶+寵物專用環境清潔稀釋液300ml×1瓶 +寵物專用布料清潔+寵物專用抗菌濕紙巾50抽×1包

臭味滾的產品是經SGS認證-為寵物專用四級氨類環境清潔劑(請放心使 用)...在檢驗報告中產品不僅可以對抗環境中常見的細菌、更能有效地去除細菌所產生的異味(更多文字敘述請見官網)


寵物專用環境清潔濃縮液 1000ml×1瓶+寵物專用環境清潔稀釋液300ml×1瓶 +寵物專用布料清潔+寵物專用抗菌濕紙巾50抽×1包

臭味滾的產品是經SGS認證-為寵物專用四級氨類環境清潔劑(請放心使 用)...在檢驗報告中產品不僅可以對抗環境中常見的細菌、更能有效地去除細菌所產生的異味(更多文字敘述請見官網)

照片中為寵物專用環境清潔 ( 稀釋瓶 ) ..為噴瓶..可直接噴於異味處..由於我這笨蛋*忘了拿掉 上面藍色安全扣..再來一張..
咪露 常會在半夜偷起來亂尿==壞小孩..所以早上都得拿布擦拭...趕上班還得擦地~洗布==..有這瓶稀釋瓶*只要直接對準異味處 距離約5公分噴灑..靜待數分鐘..再拿衛生紙擦拭即可囉...輕輕鬆鬆 達到清潔及除臭功能..
稀釋瓶*其實就是濃縮瓶再稀釋 (這不是廢話...呵呵..我的意思是~更方便 啦..
濃縮瓶..可用來擦地...(這很重要... 超重要..因為很多人都會建議用漂白水*但我實在不推薦...咪露家有次用了~咪露又習慣趴地板..整個皮膚起小紅點 ..我再也不敢用==..後來是拿到聚會拿到試用品..整個一試成主顧...既能除臭..清潔環境..又安 全....
濃縮瓶*地板清潔建議比例 是 1cc原液 : 1000cc清水...整個用起來是很省的..而且對毛孩是安全的...這很重要..拖地方法~因人而異(這不用 介紹吧..至於比例..我們家是憑感覺..可以達到地板清潔及除臭效果*是我很喜歡臭味滾的原 因..

是不是很酷... 寵物專用布料洗劑...什麼都寵物專用...不要覺得誇張..我們雖然給不起最貴的..但要給最適合的...尤其像我們這麼愛毛孩..尤其像咪露*皮膚不是很好==...預防勝於治療...
應該就是所有"布類"的東西都可 以使用啦,例如睡墊..棉被..玩具...等等..(我們是給他按壓個5..啦啦ㄟ...然後浸泡 30 分鐘後..再拿起~交給洗衣機.. 適度依水位再按壓...然後清潔溜溜.. 淡淡香味..(台灣的天氣較為潮濕...咪露家習慣2星期清潔睡墊及棉被...
~最後一樣..臭味滾新品..寵物專用抗菌濕紙巾...咪露一向有個好習慣..上廁所時間很固定..大完便 *也知道要 擦屁股.. 乖乖跑來*屁 股嘟向我們...一開始我們是用衛生紙..後來有個廣告一直宣導~濕擦比較乾淨==..所以就換濕紙 巾.. 市場上~針 對毛孩濕紙巾..大概就那幾家...~我們的確有在用紅色包裝的....所以這次臭味滾新品*..我們也來試試 囉...
比較後的差別..香味較淡 ~這對咪露 較好(因 為他很喜歡擦完屁股後~==很怕我們擦不乾淨...毛孩的嗅覺很靈敏...味道過重 *對他們也 是種小負擔..我們用在擦屁股及外出散步時使用..
好啦~臭味滾家產品一次分享...我們是很喜歡 他們家產品啦..
PS..最後無論任何試用文*寫某家產品多好多好..你妳都該親自體驗看看..才可以選出最適合自己家毛孩的產品 ..願所有毛孩*都有適合自己的好產品唷 ..


臭味滾寵物專用環境 清潔劑*真的很棒..你妳該親自讓毛孩使用看看唷..




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